As friends and family prepare for the holidays – e-cards vs. traditional, this drove the point home on the treasures of the latter…

Robin Coyle

An article in today’s paper gave me pause. Cursive handwriting has one foot in the grave.

A debate wages as 45 states adopt school curriculum guidelines for 2014 that exclude cursive handwriting, but do require keyboard proficiency by the time students exit elementary school.

You can read the full article here, but some highlights are:

“ . . . it has teachers and students divided over the value of learning flowing script and looping signatures in the age of touchpads and mobile devices. Some see it as a waste of time, an anachronism in a digitized society where even signatures are electronic, but others see it as necessary so kids can hone fine motor skills, reinforce literacy, and develop their own unique stamp of identity.”

“When a kid can text 60 words a minute, that means we’re headed in a different direction. Cursive is becoming less important.”

“School assignments…

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4 Responses to

  1. Mari Collier says:

    It’s dead here. Teachers may teach it in the third grade, but that is the last time it is used. One “old” time teacher was complaining that the younger teachers couldn’t even spell. They though nite was a perfectly acceptable way to spell night.

  2. robincoyle says:

    Is it ok to “like” a reblog of your own post? Who cares . . . I “like” that you liked my post enough to reblog it! Thank you.

  3. tommiaw says:

    Goodness. And to think we wonder how we have failed the younger generations in terms of instruction and inspiration. As to ‘liking a liked/reblogged post’ I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that! Thank you for letting me share it.

  4. I think it’s ok to lose it as most adult’s writing can’t be read unless they print anyway. It will always have a foothold for artists and those who enjoy ‘lost arts’.

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