What’s on the Wall

a-to-z-letters-wToday’s Daily Prompt asks, “What do you display on the walls of your home — photos, posters, artwork, nothing? How do you choose what to display? What mood are you trying to create?”

I love how some themes/challenges fit together!

What I have to my immediate left are works by other artists – Toby, Jackie, Leslie, my brother, among others.Walls1

The cover for “3 is the Magic Number” was designed by Toby. I learned of two other designs he had and I splurged (rotating them out in the white frame every four months).

The castle with the Emerald City Green grass was created by Jackie, and a challenge we exchanged in terms of words to pictures.

I spoke of Heather’s work and how I lost one piece, but glad to get another. The blues, the patterns were part of what drew me to it.

My brother’s pieces, drawn with regular blue or black pens until the ink runs out, were done ‘during times of boredom’. His lake scenes are my favorite. (He has yet to realize I kept a couple.)Walls

The works I have there allow for “E3” – enjoyment, encouragement and escape. The combinations, interpretations and creations amaze and delight me. Knowing some of these artists, having met and spoken with others at various venues – if they’re bold enough to put their work out in the world, why shouldn’t I try? As for escapes – it’s either to wander away from whatever I’m working on or make my way back into a story I’m writing (like the statue/castle for this month’s Camp NaNo).

The heavier, larger artwork is lined up on the floor (can only have so much tape, so many thumbtacks, etc.). Do I dare dream of designing and decorating an entire room with art, leaving little spaces bare?

What’s on your wall?

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13 Responses to What’s on the Wall

  1. sherrylcook says:

    Great prompt today huh? Love the art… Spread the passion of creativity!

  2. Serena says:

    It could be a gallery, very nice 🙂

  3. Pingback: All in all you’re just another pic on the wall | Stuphblog

  4. Fun to get a glimpse into your art world. One of the things I gave up in the choice of my current home is wall space, but it was given up for windows with natural views, so it’s like living photos. I do take advantage of the spaces I have all the way up to near the high ceilings. I too have collected artwork from artist friends, paintings, photos, stone lithograph prints, many abstracts and some Egyptian facsimile pieces on plaster. Perhaps the only theme that’s emerging is there are lots of wood carvings in the mix. I love the way they blend with the wood walls throughout our home, and I guess I like the outdoors artistically brought indoors. Ecclectic is the only description, and, like you, I choose by what inspires me rather than decor.

    • tommiaw says:

      Wood carvings always fascinate me – such details carved from an existing panel. To my right are floor-to-ceiling windows that allow me to look at Nature’s beauty – be it sunsets, wandering wildlife, flowers in bloom or birds flying by.

  5. Denise Hisey says:

    Fun pix, T!
    My hallway is decked out with my kids’ wedding photos. I’ll never have enough pix of my kids. 😉
    The living room has family pix, and pets. Even my bathrooms have family collages. Guess I’m a photo nut, huh? LOL

  6. Pingback: Another Thing On The Wall, Part II – Daily Prompt | Edward Hotspur

  7. twistingthreads says:

    Next to nothing on my walls right now, sadly. My landlord charges per the nail hole, and I’m not much of a decorator, even though I like art and I like creating it. My first chalk pastel from high school is the only decoration, unless you count the clutter. Sigh…I need to clean my house now.

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