Friday Fast One – Fun

camping cornerWow, this fits the Daily Prompt for today: Imagine that tomorrow, all of your duties and obligations evaporate for the day. You get the day all to yourself, to do anything you please. What types of fun activities would make your day?/Photographers, artists, poets: show us FUN.

Well, I’ll need plenty of light to carry out the day of exploration with family and friends – beginning in ice caves, trail tunnels and maybe Underground Seattle. Or maybe have several thermoses filled with tea and hot chocolate while I enjoy a walkabout with a fully charged battery and and empty digital card (or the standard Olymus/Nikon ready with their rolls of film).

Or maybe I’d continue what I have managed to enjoy these past couple of Saturdays – binge reading. Thanks to many a book-based blogger, my wishful reading list has grown (along with new releases from FreeValley Publishing).

What would you do with your day of fun?

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